Sunday, February 1, 2009

Get Back to Work!!!

Hello if there is still anyone checking this blog site! We are now, finally ready to move to the next step, electricity! Arne has been trying to get to work but something always interrupts the schedule. Snow, ice, robots....Yes robots. Arne has been helping with the robotics team for Daniel and just when we think we have a weekend to work the team schedules a work session. Last weekend Colleen and Arne were able to escape for the day and map out where and what would happen with the lights and plugs. Next week Arne will attempt to get started running the wires in the walls so the insulators and sheetrockers could move forward. Of course since assuming he will be at the house to work he has scheduled the State Heritage Tree meeting in Salem, the robotics want an extra meeting for 4:30 Mon pm and..... of course he puts up with Colleen nagging "When will it be done?" "When can we at least camp there?" She's hoping to camp spring break which would require some heat, and water. Hmmm. Everybody keep their fingers crossed. Maybe!!